"Rule the Streets (A Song)"

The sun falls in the sky
Shadows get longer in time
Lights in the cozy homes go dark
The stars take their mark

We come out at night
About to burn out the lights
The city is about to sleep
When we rule the streets
Prowl the shadows
Our time is close

Just a little longer
Until we are stronger
Wait until twilight
To start the silent riot

We come out at night
About to burn out the lights
The city is about to sleep
When we rule the streets
Prowl the shadows
Our time is so close

Now it's time
Come out for our time
Shake the lands and oceans
Time for world to cringe

We come out at night
Burn out the lights
The city sleeps
As we rule the streets
Prowl the shadows
Our time is now

Author: AngelFall on Thursday, 5 Feb. 2009
License: Copyright, all rights reserved